yep.. it's raining award among bloggers lately..
even me, been given some awards..
thanks to fellow bloggers who did awarded me..
it's ok for me to receive awards..
and also it's ok for me to give awards..
but now i realize, that all the award i received,
did i really deserved it..?
not to disappoint some bloggers by my word,
it is your award, and you got the right to give it to who you want..
how can i really judge on over 30 bloggers in my list to award them..?
it just..
like me few days back, walk into friends blog,
the post was giving award to others..
feels like i deserve one, scroll down until end of the post,
but my name was not mentioned..
huhuhuu.. got little bit emo that time..
wasn't my blog good enough..?
maybe that was in my mind that time..
well.. it's just like some sort of nothing to lose game, right..?
you got it, you'll be happy..
you're not, not heart feeling right..
sometimes, award really can motivates bloggers..
that's why, jeng jeng jeng..
i came out with my own award..
my blog "TOP COMMENTOR OF THE MONTH" award..
beside the title, nothing different..
you still will be notified "you've got award from me..!!"..
you still need to visit my blog to pick the award..
you still receive a pic of the award..
you still can publish it in your blog, be proud of it..
i will start to award from july result and continue do it..
i just simply calculate the total comments gave by fellow bloggers in certain month,
and decide the 1st, 2nd and 3rd top commentors..
so, for july, you deserve these..
3rd top commentors are..
amy and ceera..!! (12 comments)
2nd top commentor is..
pocket..!! (13 comments)
and last but not least, 1st top commentor is..
ayaq masak..!! (29 comments)
so, how about it..?
it just a little appreciate from me for those who keep jumping into my blog and leave comments..
sorry, i just can manage to award you with those pics,
but who knows, one day it will be more precious award, maybe..?
kalo dekat2, buleh ler aku belanja makan..
and also if kalo aku travel ke mana2,
and that fellow blogger ada di situ, still buleh belanja makan gak kan..
(baru first time bagik, dah ada 2 winner duduk dekat.. huhuhu..)
Bila anak mengikut.
5 years ago
~ saya dpt award kah? hehehehe... thanks sebab sudi nak bagik2 award nih. tak sangka la plak masuk list antara yg byk bg komen. hehehehe... ~
ah ah ah byknye komen aku. hahahahhahahaa
tak sia2 aku komen blog ko. hehe
amy: yer yer.. sila la terima dengan seadanya..
thanks 4 commenting these days..
ayaq: ahahaha.. byk mulut dak, byk komen jer.. つまらないものですが、もらってください。
thanks 4 commenting these days..
ceera: sonok..? aku pun sonok kalo ko sonok.. hohoho..
komen la lagik bebyk.. bulan depan buleh dapat lagik..
thanks 4 commenting these days..
tsumaranai monojyanaiwayo. terharu nih haha. (tapi kalo dia bagi aku baskin robbins lagi lagi laaaaaa bukan tsumaranaimono. hahahahhahaa)
dapat award,
nak ku tuntut hadiah dari mu,
ayaq!! jom kita suruh dia belanja HaagenDazs:)
perasa Macha!!
Ada ke perasa Macha kat mesia ni? (err macha tu apa eh)
loh!! Macha tu perasa green tea,
kanji nyer kalau di translatekan,
'benar benar teh'
and ado ado ado...
or atleast yg kat juru tu ado la :)
hamboi hamboi.. baru sekali dapat award demand lelebih plak.. iskk..
ayaq: sila bersabar dengan aiskrim magnolia.. akan diberikan bila tiba masanya..
Macha tu disebut Mac-cha (抹茶)..
pocket: cesss.. aku keciwa kerana ko tak dapat no 1.. kerana ko la org yg bertanggungjawab blog aku sampai ke tahap nih..
sila jalankan tanggungjawab anda sepenuhnya..
jom enjoy..!!!
Ooo green tea tu macha ke.. aku kalo sebut macha aku ingat mapley je.. machaa teh tarik satu! hahahaha
kreatipppnyek en.bendol ye..
ayaq: hohoho..
macchaa..!! aiskrim magnolia sattu..!! kasik sama ayaq..!!
lavender: kreatip ker..? hohohoho.. rasa macam pernah dapat award kreatip..
tader laa.. org lain pun kreatip jugak.. diorang kreatip lain, aku kreatip lain..
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