I received this email yesterday..
it sucks, isn't it..?
since i don't have net connection at home..
well, i still can go to net cafe to update,
but how long can you stand it..?
with work at the day,
with family to entertain at night..
this is an absolute reason for not posting after this..
pocket house is so far,
else, i will visiting him every night..
it's hard to say goodbye,
which i won't do..
i'll find the way..
yes, i'll find the way..
End of my career..?
Tukang karut ialah bendul pada 9:07:00 AM
ラベル: bebas, bebel, bloggers, kejer, kesian, mintak maaf, tensen
been visiting your blog for more than a year now. takkan nak quit?
but it's your decision, bro.
had this before but i managed.
i know u will.
* ayat2 memujuk anda supaya tak berenti blogging.
jgn arr quit..
sekali sekala tu kalau x bz update la jugak eh..
i got an idea. beli broadband sendiri and leh bawak ke mana-mana. ke ofis pun. so, diorg nak bising lelebih pun tak dek gunanya juga. hak sendirian berhad.
ape benda la susah sgt..broadband kan ade..cucuk jek dah boleh online..aku dok kampung broadband takde..tempat hang takkan takdak..
sha: yer ler.. tgh pikir ler nih nak wat camner.. support jer la dari belakang..
mala: skrg yg ada internet pun sekali sekala.. kalo tader nanti, jadi macam mana tak tau la..
amy: bak ler duit nyer.. hehehhe..
yan: tpt aku duduk lagi ulu ler yan.. dan aku tader notebook macam orang lain, buleh wifi jer kat memana.. streamyx..? iskkk.. sekali budak2 dadah curik kabel, 2-3 minggu aku bayo bodo jer kat TM..
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