Yep.. They did it again.. the government under "ikut ajer LAH" control was successfully raised the petrol price up to RM0.78/litre, which made you have to pay RM2.70/litre for the fuel.. before, i always filled in RM75 for my wira full tank, now i have to pay RM105 for the same full tank.. twice per month means it cost me RM60 more on my monthly expenses, not including my cub (135cc la plak tu) yet..
They simply mentioned that the rakyat should be more berjimat and change the life style.. heyy..!! how am i suppose to change my life style anymore..? you see, i used to wear RM200 per pair of original levi's, then have to change to RM40 per pair of original-look-alike levi's, then change again to RM25 per pair of china made jeans which the brand is ACTON (instead of ACTION).. if i have to change again, what "tukar ajer LAH" have to propose me for a pair of trousers..? maybe he will say " alaaa.. tak payah pakai ajer LAH.. spender pun buleh LAH.."
well, this is just an example, not mention yet about how we should change our life style on eating, driving, working an any other "you must do" things.. how to make your life style more effective day by day..?
to make sure your life style is efective, you must first make sure your works are effective, means you have to work harder (to make sure your work effective) since you work to have money to keep living.. see below to see how it all related each other..
work harder --> think harder
think harder --> get tired more
get tired more --> need more supply (food)
need more supply --> eat more, what else..!!
eat more --> spend more money
spend more money --> "jimat ajer LAH" say you don't change your life style..
can you just cut your way of thinking, save it..?
can you just cut the way your body get tired..?
without buying it, can you just keep staring at the 30 cents per piece of karipap when you need a little snack to cover your grumbling stomach, since "jgn beli LAH" ask you to change your life style..?
c'mon.. until when we need to be the boneka of our government which under control of "kan saya dah kata, ikut saya ajer LAH"..? even most of my friends whom did argued yesterday on the petrol price hiked, today they pretend to say "redha ajer LAH".. waaaaaa... seems like "tgk, org ramai ikut saya LAH" got some sort of super power to make sure every single rakyat agreed on what he did..
(getting more emotional here.. 18SX content, quit now if your under 18 years old..)
some personal opinion, dalam berjuta-juta rakyat malaysia takkan tak ada org yg bodoh kan..? yang ngikut tu bukan la nak kata bodoh, tapi bodoh LAH.. ngaper ikut jer..? iyeeerr, aku tau undi tu rahsia.. tapi cemana kerajaan di bawah pimpinan "aku tetap menang jugak LAH" tu buleh still memegang kerajaan sekarang..? bukan org2 yg bodoh ni ker pangkah masa mengundi dulu..? pegi mampos la korang.. korang jgn nak kaburi la mata org2 yang tak berapa nak berpikir nih, dengan ayat kerajaan berkorban LAH, kerajaan rugi LAH.. cut all the fucking craps..
i don't even care who rule the government (ada org benci aku cakap macam nih, mampus la.. sukati aku, negara demokrasi..), i just want to leave in peace, happy and harmony.. many malaysians now prefer to live in peace, without happy and harmony.. bodoh.. kalo dah tak happy and harmony korang nak peace macam mana..? korang buleh peace ker kalo korang pun tak happy dengan apa yg kerajaan buat..? paham dak..? aku cuma nakkan kerajaan yg telus, tak rasuah, tak tipu rakyat.. mana petronas punya minyak..? mana pendidikan percuma..? mana hospital (bukan klinik) percuma..? kenapa menteri dan orang kenamaan tak naik waja or wira ajer..? diorang tak rasa kan, perasaan naik motor berkilo2 meter dalam hujan, dengan tujuan berjimat atas arahan "hujan tu redah ajer LAH"..?
now, what to come..? you have to pay more for your electricity soon.. fuck TNB, if i still have to stay in the dark for few days in a month after the new tariff.. fuel up, electric up, rice up, you think others won't go up ker..? tepung, gula, garam, telo, ayam, daging, even other supplies like stationery, furniture, cloth etc will go up also i think.. why not..? to produce all of that don't use electricity ker..? nak hangkut semer2 tu tak guna kenderaan yg guna petrol ker..? sapa yg susah..? "korang jer susah, aku dak LAH" tu jadi susah ker..? kroni2 dia susah ker..? timbalan dia, menteri2 dia..? "korang jgn pikir teruk2 LAH" tak akan pikir semer2 nih.. bagi dia, dia tu "aku nih byk lagi benda nak pikir LAH"..
we have to pay the price.. for who we pangkah ("pangkah aku LAH" or pembangkang), for who we work ("keja ngan aku LAH" or private sector), where do we live ("tanah projek kroni aku LAH" or wherever), it don't make any different to us.. as long as "aku nak wat apa sukati aku LAH" government is on the track, you still have to hangguk2 since you geleng2 also no make any different.. unless, you all realize that there should be no more lie to the rakyat.. do anything what you want, but please don't lie to us..
sometimes i feel regret that i went to oversea using rakyat money.. that time i just don't know it, and now i do.. i'm not saying to stop the course, but just think it all over again.. if you say some expenses are in need for the country, then stop the unneed one, to cover it.. bukannya cakap keperluan negara, bukan untuk seseorang, org lain pun dapat faedah jugak, macam yang dikatakan oleh "duit kerajaan duit aku dan kroni jugak LAH"..
hmmm.. after and after, i'm a part of some stupid asshole to fill in the gasoline full tank today morning, due tue mass traffic jam at over the country petrol station last night..
well you all, keep on pangkah that "nak undi sapa lagi, undi aku jer LAH"..
guys, no offend aa.. nak ilangkan tensen jer.. uhuhuuhu..
Bila anak mengikut.
5 years ago
78 sen boleh :
makan roti canai
teh o limau panas
maggi sebungkus sndiri masak
karipap 2 biji
nasi lemak sebungkus
telur mata kobau kat restoran
rokok sebatang?
so lpas ni ... tak leh la makan suma makanan diatas... huhuuu...
78 sen itu juga boleh membuatkan negara berada di dalam kucar kacir, sehingga sampai satu masa kita nak wat apa pun dah tak buleh pasal jadi darurat, maybe..?
Aku mmg bengang gler arh sume bende nk naik :|
aku sampai tika dan saat nih masing bengang dan bengong lagik..
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