Went to Beruas with big bro and small bro yesterday for 2 kenduri.. one was kenduri pak wahab (he is the sepupu to my mom).. the other one was kenduri pakcik tahir (the groom was my primary school classmate, and the groom's sister used to look after us when we were small)..
two things attracted me once reached the rumah kenduri.. 1st, the lauk.. all actually the same as penang or kedah nyer lauk kenduri, except for the "rendang tok", the trade mark of lauk kenduri at perak.. i forgot already the last time i ate the rendang tok.. the taste..? maaaaaaaarvelous.. finger lickin good.. the time was right also, 12:45pm and my stomach was grumbling asking for food (yana kata tergedik2lapo..)
the 2nd thing was the "yong" (perak slang for chicks(?), minah, awek or whatever).. never thought that beruas yongs are comel2 one.. but only can usha jer la, sambil2 menilai which one is the best with my big bro..
but another one yg best bila balik kampung ialah the slang masa bersembang.. cakap perak lerr.. the other thing you wont get when you are outside of perak.. (mak ngah amnah perli us before that at kenduri, "ate kome ni bukannye nak dtg umoh mak ngoh.. umoh mak ngoh tu bukan nyer jauh beno pon, dekat paghit bunto tu je.. komo ni kalo ader makan2, baru kome nak jengok sedare mare.. telepon jer kalo nak dtg, bawok semue bini anok2 semue..")
then after kenyang makan kenduri pertama tu, we wonder where to go, since our mom and dad asked us to wait for them, derang baru bertolak dari sitiawan.. hmm.. lebih kurang sejam tu.. nak gi kenduri no 2, perut kenyang lagi.. so, my big bro suggest we go to the uli licin waterfall, gi skodeng tgk ada org beromen ker dak..
when we arrived there, no one beromen, but the feeling to get beromen came to us after we watched a groups of yong mandi ayo teghejun.. ih ih ih.. cobaan..
whatever laa.. janji ari tu enjoy, pasal kitorang bertiga yg dah kawin nih, jadi bujang satu ari.. ehehehe..
(but still miss the rendang tok.. huhuhu...)
Bila anak mengikut.
5 years ago
"rendang tok"..mm teringat pulak masakan arwah tok aku huhuhu.. lenkali kalu nak g skodeng tu ajak le aku skali..
n ajak la aku skali ...
it is always a wonder why sexy yongs who reveals some skin always attract the eyes...
but those cute yongs in their baju kurung or kebaya always penetrate beyond the eye... straight tru the heart n linger there for a day or two.
need to be bujang again lah...
tte mada kekkonshitenai desukedo..
hahaha.. mmg betul la ko cakap.. yg berpakaian sopan tu la yang imejnya tinggal di dalam hati untuk beberapa hari..
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